Thursday, 7 May 2015

How to create a Microsoft account

From Skype to SkyDrive via the cloud functions of Windows and Office, now the world of Microsoft products is so vast that it is virtually impossible to do without a Microsoft account. You already have one? No? Then we rimediamo immediately.

Follow the guide I am going to propose and discover how to create a Microsoft account easily. It is a totally free procedure that will allow you to create a unique access key for all services of the Redmond company. Here are all the details.

If you want to discover how to create a Microsoft account, the first step you need to do is connect to this Web page and click on the sign up link located at the bottom right. So you will be automatically redirected to the registration form to the online services of the Redmond company.

Compile fields related to your personal information (name, surname, date of birth, etc.) And use the How do you want to access? the form to choose the email address to be created to access your Microsoft account. You can choose - through the appropriate drop-down menu - whether to create an address,,

If you do not want to create a new email address but you want to use an existing associating the latter with your Microsoft account, click on the item Or use an existing e-mail.

Then type the rest of the required information (password, phone number, etc.), Reports the security code which is located in the bottom of the page and click the Accept button to complete the registration procedure.

If you do not want to receive promotional emails from Microsoft before you click the Accept button remove the check mark from the wish to receive e-mails with promotional offers from Microsoft. Registration can be canceled at any time.

If everything went the right way, after you complete the steps to create a Microsoft account will open the control panel of your profile, in which you can change all the settings and the information associated with it.

For example, selecting Alias ​​account from the left sidebar you can create e-mail addresses secondary (up to a maximum of ten) that refer to the principal maintaining the same folder as the Inbox and the same contacts. You can use them to differentiate your mail without actually create another email address.

Instead selecting items Edit name, personal info and password, you can change your personal information or password of Microsoft, and so on.

Once created, the Microsoft account can be used to access all the online services and applications of the software giant. Among them look this service Web-mail, Skype and even Windows 8, which when connected to the Microsoft online app allows you to sync and settings on multiple PCs via cloud technology.

Original post: Salvatore Aranzulla