Is your subscription WhatsApp about to expire, would you like to renew it but it is too uncomfortable complete the payment from the tiny screen of your cell phone? There is no problem, subscribe to WhatsApp can also be done by computer.
Yes, you read it right! All you need to do is create a link (or a link) for the payment of the subscription and auto-send it by e-mail, so you can open it from the computer and complete the procedure with the latter.
In case you were wondering, there is no additional cost to be incurred: a year's subscription still costs 0.89 pounds and to complete the transaction you can use both PayPal and Google Wallet (ie the credit card linked to your Google Account ). But now let's not waste any more time and find out how to pay WhatsApp from PC step by step.
As just mentioned, the first step you need to do is generate the link to make the payment. It then starts WhatsApp on your mobile and went in the settings of the app: Android just type on the button with three dots placed at the top right and select Settings from the menu that appears. Then select the item from the Account screen that opens and went under Info payment.
Presse the Send button Payment URL that is located at the bottom of the page and it will automatically open the e-mail message with the link to the payment of WhatsApp. Enter the email address where to send the connection (your) and send the message by pressing the appropriate button.
At this point, to pay WhatsApp from the PC you have just open the email message that you sent from the car-phone and click the link contained in it (eg. Http:// cksum_pay.php? phone = ***).
On the Web page that opens, click the PayPal or Google Wallet (depending on the payment method you want to use), and completes the transaction by entering your account information for the selected service.
When finished, you can check if the subscription is successful opening WhatsApp on your phone and by going into Settings> Accounts> Info payment. If everything went the right way, the expiration date of the service will be set at one year from today.
Do not you want to renew your personal subscription to WhatsApp? Want to give a gift to your friend by paying the subscription to the service on his own? You can do this too, the procedure is very similar to what we have just seen together.
As a first step you have to go in the settings of WhatsApp, then you have to go to Contacts, select the Pay for a friend and press the Select account to the friend who pay WhatsApp (must be present in your contact list).
When the operation is completed, presses the Send button URL for payment and send the email with the link to the payment to your email address. Open, finally, the message that you auto-sent from your PC and complete the payment via PayPal or Google Wallet. If needed, more info can be found in my guide on how to give WhatsApp to a friend.
Original post: Salvatore Aranzulla