Thursday, 23 April 2015

How to reactivating WhatsApp

Did you delete your account from WhatsApp, now you changed your mind and want to know if you have to follow a special procedure to reactivate it? You can no longer access to WhatsApp because your number is temporarily blocked? Do not panic. Let's try to deal with both situations.

All WhatsApp profiles closed or disabled at the request of the users can be reactivated without any problem, the important thing is that you are using the same phone number previously used to subscribe to the service (even on a smartphone different, it does not matter).

To delete the temporary shutdowns imposed by WhatsApp, instead, you have to have a little 'patience and make sure you do not violate the terms of use of the application. For more information, see the guide on how to reactivate WhatsApp I am about to propose.

Reactivate WhatsApp account after deleting / deactivation

Deleting an WhatsApp account will delete all messages, cancels the payment information but, fortunately, does not prohibit users to subscribe again to the service using the same number again.

This means that, if you want to reactivate WhatsApp, you have to do is download the latest version of the application on your smartphone, launch it and follow the steps of the standard configuration.

The configuration procedure standards - should know - is to enter the phone number, typing in the verification code that you receive via SMS and the choice of a name and a picture to represent your profile.

If you're using an iPhone with iCloud backup active, you will be asked if you want to restore the chat history: accepting, find yourself all your messages there where they had left, although not risulterai more writing your old groups.

On Android, which is not active synchronization of conversations via the Internet, you can manually restore the backup of the chat as shown in my tutorial on how to reinstall WhatsApp.

You asked the deactivation of WhatsApp following the theft or loss of your old smartphone? In this case you have 30 days to reactivate the profile without losing data, otherwise you will have to start from scratch (or almost) as just seen for accounts deleted.

Reactivate a locked WhatsApp account 

Cannot you access to WhatsApp because your account is blocked for 24, 48 or 72 hours? Evidently you have used the unofficial applications, such as WhatsApp Plus for Android, which are not officially supported by WhatsApp and involve the "ban" temporary whoever installs.

To resolve this issue, remove from your smartphone all apps that may have led to the lockout: third-party clients, packages of icons or emoticons for WhatsApp etc. and wait the countdown displayed in WhatsApp comes to an end.

In case the problem still persist and the countdown had to reset continuously try contacting WhatsApp email address.

In place of the countdown see the message "Your number is not allowed to use our service"? Then almost certainly you have violated the terms of use of WhatsApp, for example by sending spam, commercial or annoying some users, and you have been "banned" permanently from service.

In cases like this, the only option you have is to contact support WhatsApp at and hope that your reasons are accepted. Otherwise you will have to necessarily register with another number. More info here.

Original post: Salvatore Aranzulla